Women's Health

Women’s Health and Menstruation
It can be hard to decide how to deal with things when you’re suffering with issues that are caused by hormonal imbalances and changes.
Many Ladies come to see me as their last resort. Often after a treatment suggestion has not helped and they feel that they weren’t listened to or taken seriously. I approach things in a different way, to get to the root cause of why your hormones are out of balance.
I take the time to listen to you and examine all the areas of your health and medical history and lifestyle that could be impacting your hormones.
Some of the common problems I see in my clinic include:
- Painful Periods
- Absent Periods
- Heavy Periods
- Painful Periods
- Irregular Periods
- Peri-menopausal and Menopausal problems
- Endometriosis
- Adenomyosis
- Hormonal Emotional Imbalances Inc Anxiety and Depression
Acupuncture can help bring back balance to hormones and can reduce and improve many of the side effects and symptoms of these problems. It can also reduce the stress and anxiety that goes with these.
Some of the common side effects I treat include:
- Hot Flushes
- Digestive Issues
- Insomnia
- Migraines
- Low Energy
- Mood Swings
- Vaginal Dryness and Itching
- Thrush
- Reoccurring UTI’s
In addition to acupuncture, I can also help you to get the correct blood analysis done either through your GP or privately, to check your hormone levels. I can then go through the test results with you and explain what they mean for you.
I am also part of a specialists circle (nutritionists, herbalists, Chinese Traditional Medicine herbalists, blood testing analysts and microbiome testing etc.) This gives me access to lots of additional supporting treatments that, I may suggest help support you alongside your acupuncture treatment, to help you even further.